Biblical Diversity

Reaching people of all colors, cultures and classes with the gospel of Jesus Christ and making him known throughout the world.



Unity through diversity

色狗导航 is a movement of churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide.

This includes reaching people of all colors, cultures and classes with the gospel of Jesus Christ and making him known throughout the world. As we celebrate our human differences, we unite around God’s Word — the final authority on all matters, including cultural and social issues. We take seriously God’s expectations for diversity in his churches emphasized in Acts 17:26-27, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11 and Revelation 7:9-10.

Why is biblical diversity important? 
God’s people are multiethnic, multiracial and multicultural. To reach the entire world for Jesus, biblical diversity is required. The gospel sets the foundation for racial and cultural reconciliation.

The body of believers in Christ should be most equipped to take part in a dialogue about diversity. We should set the pace for racial and cultural harmony and demonstrate to the rest of the world how we treat others based on the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Gospel movements affect entire communities and bridge across social, economic, language, ethnic and cultural barriers. As part of that vision, an in response to the great challenges of the church modeling the power of reconciliation and collaboration that the gospel provides, 色狗导航 established an Office of Biblical Diversity. This office works alongside its U.S. regions to encourage, empower and equip your church to champion biblical diversity in your community.


Biblical Diversity Position Paper
In establishing our biblical foundation, part of our diversity task force, led by Dr. David Clark of Bethel University, created a Biblical Diversity position paper.

Diversity Self-Assessment
This self-assessment and cultural awareness assessment is a generic tool designed to explore an individual’s cultural competence. Its primary purpose is to help the individual consider their skills, knowledge and awareness of themselves as it relates to their interactions with others. The goal of this assessment is to assist the individual in recognizing what they can do to become more effective in working and relating to in a diverse culture.


A Call To Fast & Pray

The Office of Biblical Diversity has provided this guide for individuals and churches moved to fast and pray for biblical diversity. 

A call to fast and pray purpose log >

A call to fast and pray guide >

Bible Verses About Diversity

Video Training



Grow biblical diversity in your ministry

Learn how your team can take part in diversity training or join a cultural or ethnic ministry expansion team.