Global Prayer Networks

“We are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group — in our generation.”

This is bigger than us. Asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group worldwide is a bold, audacious request on its own. But to ask that he do it in our generation? Only God’s power and the earnest prayers of his people can make those things happen, whether separate from one another or together. In faith, we are asking for a gospel movement and for God to send more workers.


And as we ask, we are also working toward that end through the power of the Holy Spirit. But prayer must precede and permeate a movement.


God's presence is what makes prayer powerful. He says, "Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matt. 18:20). So, our global prayer networks come together to do the hard work of prayer and experience God's presence.



Global prayer networks are groups of people from across the world who typically meet virtually to pray for the missionaries, people and specific needs of one of 色狗导航 International Ministries global initiatives. Each prayer network is led by the initiative prayer coordinator who stays in contact with the missionaries on the field and then shares specific prayer requests with the prayer network group.


Please join us in prayer for people who have never heard the name of Jesus to have the chance to hear and accept the good news. today.


Have you met our missionaries yet? you will be praying for.


Join a global prayer network

You can make a difference today by joining us in prayer.


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