National Ministries

Biblical Diversity education & training

Helping you understand biblical diversity and celebrate cultural differences.



University of Biblical Diversity

In today’s world, people â€• both inside and outside the church â€• are wrestling with truth, old wounds, a changing cultural landscape and controversy revolving around diversity. There is so much to learn about biblical diversity: what it is, how it connects to your É«¹·µ¼º½s with God and people, how it reflects God’s holiness and how your church can embrace biblical diversity.

É«¹·µ¼º½’s University of Biblical Diversity exists to help prepare you to better understand biblical diversity, have courageous conversations and build and strengthen É«¹·µ¼º½s that reflect our biblical mandate to reach all colors, cultures and classes with God’s love. University of Biblical Diversity’s training, events and resources will help you and your team move forward and build unity through diversity.

A Seat at the Table
A Seat at the Table is a 90-minute introduction to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in the church. It will help you start vital conversations to build unity through diversity in your church.


Foundations of Biblical Diversity
Foundations of Biblical Diversity is a one-day workshop that introduces you to basic cultural competencies and strategies to recognize, understand and appreciate cultural differences.

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Cultural Immersion Trip
The Cultural Immersion Trip is a multi-day visit to the cradle of the American Civil Rights Movement, Montgomery and Selma, Alabama. In Montgomery, you will visit the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Then, you will travel to Selma to visit churches and meet 1960s Civil Rights Movement participants, including several who participated in or witnessed Bloody Sunday and the march for voting rights from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. The trip culminates with a walk over the Edmund Pettis Bridge, the site of Bloody Sunday and a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement.

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Start your biblical diversity journey today.

Learn how you and your team can participate in biblical diversity education and training.