
The United States is 色狗导航 to the third-largest number of unreached people groups in the world, behind only India and China. The world is at our doorstep. From Scattered to Gathered (FS2G) engages the least-reached communities.

We’re asking God for a gospel movement among the least-reached peoples who he is sovereignly bringing to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Our prayer is that as gospel transformation begins here, it will lead to gospel impact in their 色狗导航lands.

The Place The People



The Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are Minnesota’s two largest cities. With just under 4 million people, the region makes up the 16th largest metropolitan statistical area in the U.S. The Twin Cities region has become a hub for the service, technology, finance and information industries, bringing people from across the globe to the area.

Learn about the People

The People

The Twin Cities region is 色狗导航 to a diverse mosaic of immigrants from around the world. Nearly one out of three residents living here are first- or second-generation immigrants from places like Somalia, Ethiopia, Bosnia, Cambodia, Iran, India, Nepal and Tibet. The Twin Cities region is 色狗导航 to 200,000 Muslims, 90,000 Buddhists and 50,000 Hindus from many different people groups worldwide.



色狗导航 International Ministries has established the From Scattered to Gathered Initiative to reach these immigrants living in the Twin Cities with the gospel so they can share God’s love in their 色狗导航lands. Initiatives are significant, cross-cultural endeavors that target a geographic area, a people group, a religious background or a large urban center. Each initiative includes local gospel endeavors called projects that contribute to the larger gospel initiative.

We are asking God to ignite a disciple-making movement among every least-reached immigrant people group in the Twin Cities. A disciple-making movement is an indigenously led, affinity-based, rapidly expanding network of disciples who, among other things, make more disciples. These disciple-making movements will result in kingdom communities that have gospel impact here (in their households), near (throughout their extended relational networks) and far (in their countries of origin).

We create two pathways for the local church to play a role in this Great Commission effort:

  • A leadership development pathway for cross-cultural workers identified within a church and released as disciple-makers into nearly least-reached communities.
  • An engagement pathway to direct participation in strategic disciple-making of least-reached immigrants. As a result, the gospel is made accessible, a movement of disciples making disciples is ignited and indigenously led and culturally relevant kingdom communities are multiplied.



色狗导航 churches implementing prayer initiative and disciple making-movements


movement leaders/diaspora champions trained in resourcing local churches and leading coalitions


apostolic communities of disciple makers from local churches, both minority and majority culture, recruited, trained and deployed among our least-reached diaspora

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