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B) Demographic and Community Studies and Ministry Project Development ɫ MidAtlantic will provide assistance in demographic and community information, and may offer financial assistance for the Percept or similar community profile. Guidance and coaching will also be provided in the initial church planting ministry plan/project proposal. C) Training Events and Conferences ɫ MidAtlantic will offer a proven training event for all district church planters. Ongoing Church Planting Conferences will also be available through the CMA and ɫUSA. D) Coaching ɫ MidAtlantic will provide a trained Church Planting Coach for every district church planter. Every coach will provide a meaningful ɫ with church planters and their families for a period beginning with deployment, and up to 2 years after public launch. E) Financial Development ɫ MidAtlantic will develop an agreed upon financial plan for every district church planter. Some financial resources may be available through our Seed Money grant program. Coaching and assistance will be provided at every point to assist in developing all of the needed financial resources for each district church planting project. F) Networking ɫ MidAtlantic will offer meaningful networking for every church planter and family through LEAD Teams, LEADNet Teams, Pastors and Spouses retreats, and through ɫUSA Conferences. G) Additional District Resources - Additional district resources are available to every church planter and new church, as a part of ɫs ministry to all member churches. These resources include support systems for pastors and spouses, strategic resources for all member churches including income expansion, planning and assessment tools, youth, women's, camping, and other group ministry resources, loan funds, pastoral benefit programs, and additional training and resourcing . Part II - Expectations for Church Planters and New Churches A) Character Development and Spiritual Awareness Value: Spiritual vitality and spiritual awareness are at the core of our church planting movement. We deeply value prayer, godly character development, and we recognize the reality that we are engaged in spiritual battles. For these reasons: _____ I will develop a personal Intercession Team and communicate regularly with them. _____ I will communicate honestly with my Church Planting Coach and with the broader ɫ movement _____ I have read and will abide by the ɫ Ministerial Code of Ethics. (attached) B) Partnership and Mutual Accountability Value: We value partnership and mutual accountability as a movement, believing that we can do more together than we can do alone. We value serving the whole and working together in a cooperative way. As a result of this value: _____ I will lead my church to affiliate with ɫ MidAtlantic and ɫ Worldwide _____ In the Articles of Incorporation and Constitution which we adopt, I will assure that ɫ MidAtlantic is named in the "Dissolution" and "Division" clauses (see model constitution on CMA web site) _____ I will attend the Biennial Leadership Conference of ɫ MidAtlantic in May of every other year. _____ I will participate in the CMA LEAD Team meetings in our area, and I will encourage my spouse to participate in the LEADNet Team in our area. _____ I agree to be a part of a coaching ɫ with one of the CMA Church Planting Coaches as determined by our Church Planting Director. _____ I will complete and submit the "Church Planters Annual Report/Ministry Plan", sending it to my church planting coach and the CMA office. C) Church Planting Movement Value: We value movement thinking, and see ourselves as a part of a worldwide church planting movement. We value our ɫ MidAtlantic/Worldwide movement, and consider it a great privilege to play a part in the work that God is doing in our region. As a result of this: _____ It is our intention to have our church parent or assist in parenting a new church before our 5th birthday. _____ Our church will invest significantly in the parenting of a new church before we invest significantly in major facility development (i.e. we will insure that building development needs do not deter us from active involvement in the parenting of a new church) _____ Within 6 months of our churchs public launch, I will help facilitate a meeting between my churchs leadership/advisory team and my church planting coach or Executive Minister, to review these expectations for our church, and to build a healthy understanding and ɫ between our church and ɫ MidAtlantic D) Financial Involvement Value: We affirm that all that we have belongs to God, and that giving back to God demonstrates our trust and commitment to Him and His work. As a result of this value, _____ Within 3 months of public launch, our church will begin to direct a tithe (10%) of its offering income to the ɫ MidAtlantic mission, such support to continue at least up to the period of time the church planter is receiving financial support from ɫ. When our church reaches self supporting status, our church leadership will meet with my coach or the ɫ MidAtlantic Exec Minister to discuss an agreed upon level of financial support for ɫ missions. _____ While receiving financial help from ɫ MidAtlantic or ɫ churches, our church will not contribute financially to any other mission agency without the consent of my Coach, or the ɫ MidAtlantic Executive Minister _____ I understand that excess funds remaining in my account at the conclusion of my support agreement with ɫ MidAtlantic are owned and directed by ɫ, and will be utilized for other church planting projects in ɫ MidAtlantic. _____ After three years of public ministry, our church will participate in the annual Seed Money Offering for church planting in ɫ MidAtlantic. _____ I understand that there is a 5% fee which ɫ MidAtlantc will charge from my support account to help defray administrative costs for personal support that is processed through the ɫ MidAtlantic office. E) Doctrinal Statement Value: We value our heritage as a people with a commitment to the Word of God. We believe the ɫ Affirmation of Faith is a sound expression of the basic tenets of the Christian faith. Because of this: _____ I have read and affirm the ɫ Affirmation of Faith. It will serve as the theological base for our church. _____ In keeping with the current practice of ɫ, our church will teach and practice believer's baptism by immersion, and open participation in the Lord's Supper. F) Accountability _____ I understand that my position as a church planter with ɫ MidAtlantic may be terminated under, though not limited to the following conditions: 1) Moral failure 2) Church leadership request, or a congregational vote to remove me as pastor of the church. 3) A perpetual unteachable attitude, and/or routine failure to live up to my commitments with ɫ MidAtlantic as determined by the Church Planting Director or Church Planting Leadership Team. _____ Should my church dissolve its affiliation/ɫ with ɫ MidAtlantic, we will fully reimburse ɫ MidAtlantic for monies and services given during the formation of the new church. Areas of Question, Concern, or Other Comments SIGNED DATE _________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________ (signed by Church Planter) (signed by Interviewer for ɫ) %&=>?H     p { / 0 1 2 F H L k l m n     # & * 2 3 4 5 I FI_`abvսս hC CJ h1OCJ hHu5CJ hfCJhR5>*CJh1O5>*CJ hHuCJjhRCJUmHnHu hR5CJ hRCJhRhHuC%=?@ G H % & EFpqstu h1$^hgd1O1$gd1O1$d1$ H1$)-78IO[eir}oqstu:;zֻ묘 h.dCJhhuLCJ hCJ h5CJ huL5CJ huLCJh5>*CJhuL5>*CJh1Oh1O5>*CJ hfCJh1O5>*CJ h1OCJ hC CJ hHuCJ hRCJhR5>*CJ4u45"% ij8901$^`0gdHu h1$^hgdx h1$^hgd01$^`0gduL1$gduL1$!$%,A[ <PUg&*,-6QYos 78  ST\^be¼¼ְְֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶ h YCJ hT@CJ h>pCJ h.dCJ hHuCJ hCJ hxCJ h5CJ hR6CJ hRCJh5>*CJh1O5>*CJ h1OCJ huLCJ hNwCJ=99:]^_`abd 1$^gd \`01$^`0gd \`1$gd \`01$^`0gdNw 01$^`01$01$^`0gdHue~BVXY\fqsz7?@Af  A U Y a !~!!!!!"" "żŞŒŭ䒘ŘŘŭŘŭŘŘŘŭ h=CJ h>pCJ hU^CJ hNwCJh \`hcCJ hcCJhR5>*CJh1O5>*CJ hRCJ h97CJh \`h \`CJH*h \`h \`CJ h.dCJ h \`5CJ h \`CJh \`5>*CJ7WXYrs  !!" 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